This EASTER morning.... a RUDE AWAKENING at 3am....
FIRE DRILL at the wee hours of the morning....
i was asleep and suddenly the bell rang like crazy... woke up wid my roomies 2 c wad happened...
than saw some ppl rushing out at 1st out of the hostel... den sum of the hostel committee shout "api api api...."
I went down and saw multitudes of ppl from my hostel slumber walking outta uni...WADDACRAP.... lol... if this were a real fire, most of them will be dead... lol
They basically burn firecrackers and put smoke plus use like... GG....
At the gathering point, than the 2 Fire trucks and 1 ambulance came in style... LOL... below are the pictures..
Later they din let us slept and demo how 2 padam api at like 4am in the morning... i sneak back 2 the room and crash tidur saje...
IF THERE WERE A SECOND REAL FIRE, most of us would be dead by than....
AND the fire drill is like 1 month plus b4 i moving out of uni hostel.... USELESS... they shud conduct when i were still fresh undergrad... a better response....
ok now back to easter thought in mind...
thought 1:
my religion would say that easter is just another festive day wid holidays....
thought 2:
my relationship wid God would say that easter is a day when a superGod arrived and save the world...
it's basically true coz RELIGION will ask to observe the event as a holy day and like watch the 'Passion of the Christ' and cry again... ba...
I like wad the YMi blogging website desktop background dl says.. (
"By this time it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until 3 o'clock" - Luke 23:44
The darkness that occurred during Christ's crucifixion was no natural phenomenon - it lasted that afternoon. During those hours on the cross, God tranferred the sins of the whole world unto Jesus.
This reminds me of a saviour who gave everything and it's no ordinary day.... coz this is the biggest sacrifice that ever been made and it was when God gave it all...
Easter is not about Christ dying... Easter is actually similar like Christmas... it's about Christ GIVING...
Fulfilling the law of God given to Moses in the Torah:
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth..."
Christ exchange us wid a life.... A LIFE FOR A LIFE...