Jun 4, 2010

chicken or egg came 1st?

There is only 1 correct answer to the question… either chicken or egg…. cant be both coz there cant be 2 correct answers….

for those who choose EGG:

Theory of Evolution is the reason why egg is choosen. According to Charles Daarwin’s theory, the chicken hav to evolve from sumthing (coz human evolve from apes).. so the cycle goes back from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken…..and so on and so forth… but it would go on forever and ever… and will prove that the egg is older than the billions of year of Planet Earth which evolve from absolutely NOTHING at all..

for those who choose chicken:

Theory of monotheism or Theory of One GOD. According to the Bible, God create the heaven and the earth on the 1st day and so on to the day 5 where animals where create. This will prove that the Earth is not billion of years old but just more than 6k years from now…

Bottomline: there is one correct answer and for you to decide =)

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