Aug 31, 2010
Jun 4, 2010
chicken or egg came 1st?
There is only 1 correct answer to the question… either chicken or egg…. cant be both coz there cant be 2 correct answers….
for those who choose EGG:
Theory of Evolution is the reason why egg is choosen. According to Charles Daarwin’s theory, the chicken hav to evolve from sumthing (coz human evolve from apes).. so the cycle goes back from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken from egg from chicken…..and so on and so forth… but it would go on forever and ever… and will prove that the egg is older than the billions of year of Planet Earth which evolve from absolutely NOTHING at all..
for those who choose chicken:
Theory of monotheism or Theory of One GOD. According to the Bible, God create the heaven and the earth on the 1st day and so on to the day 5 where animals where create. This will prove that the Earth is not billion of years old but just more than 6k years from now…
Bottomline: there is one correct answer and for you to decide =)
May 23, 2010
God Is Able...
You part the ocean
You calm the raging sea
You are able to do this in me
You said You're for me
So who can stand against
You are with me Lord I know that
Nothing is too hard for You (x2)
I know my God is able
And I know His love never fails
I know my God is able
I believe in You
I trust in You with all I am
Cause I know You have the master plan
So I'll throw my life into Your hands
For Your glory for Your glory
May 18, 2010
today is a good day, tomorrow will be better...
Today is a good day, tomorrow will be better...
Hold no grudge, hold no hate..
As free as a bird, out of a cage..
Life goes on and on and no hesitate..
Just do it, no fear never ever fade..
Not doing it just to be or to fake..
A smile spins the world round and round..
A laugh merries the heart so calm and sound..
Being true, always love..
And cherish what is dear..
Coz an action, in fraction..
Will equal a reaction...
So run forward, move on..
Never look back from this moment on..
Apr 4, 2010
This EASTER......
This EASTER morning.... a RUDE AWAKENING at 3am....
FIRE DRILL at the wee hours of the morning....
i was asleep and suddenly the bell rang like crazy... woke up wid my roomies 2 c wad happened...
than saw some ppl rushing out at 1st out of the hostel... den sum of the hostel committee shout "api api api...."
I went down and saw multitudes of ppl from my hostel slumber walking outta uni...WADDACRAP.... lol... if this were a real fire, most of them will be dead... lol
They basically burn firecrackers and put smoke plus use like... GG....
At the gathering point, than the 2 Fire trucks and 1 ambulance came in style... LOL... below are the pictures..
Later they din let us slept and demo how 2 padam api at like 4am in the morning... i sneak back 2 the room and crash tidur saje...
IF THERE WERE A SECOND REAL FIRE, most of us would be dead by than....
AND the fire drill is like 1 month plus b4 i moving out of uni hostel.... USELESS... they shud conduct when i were still fresh undergrad... a better response....
ok now back to easter thought in mind...
thought 1:
my religion would say that easter is just another festive day wid holidays....
thought 2:
my relationship wid God would say that easter is a day when a superGod arrived and save the world...
it's basically true coz RELIGION will ask to observe the event as a holy day and like watch the 'Passion of the Christ' and cry again... ba...
I like wad the YMi blogging website desktop background dl says.. (
"By this time it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until 3 o'clock" - Luke 23:44
The darkness that occurred during Christ's crucifixion was no natural phenomenon - it lasted that afternoon. During those hours on the cross, God tranferred the sins of the whole world unto Jesus.
This reminds me of a saviour who gave everything and it's no ordinary day.... coz this is the biggest sacrifice that ever been made and it was when God gave it all...
Easter is not about Christ dying... Easter is actually similar like Christmas... it's about Christ GIVING...
Fulfilling the law of God given to Moses in the Torah:
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth..."
Christ exchange us wid a life.... A LIFE FOR A LIFE...
Apr 1, 2010
till i hav sumthin 2 write and A BETTER CAMERA PLUS A BETTER LINE =)
till den....
Mar 22, 2010
Psalm 23 - student edition
He keepeth me from lying down when I should be studying.
He leadeth me beside the water cooler for a study break.
He restoreth my faith in study guides.
He leads me to better study habits
For my grade's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of borderline grades,
I will not have a nervous breakdown For Thou art with me.
My prayers and my friends, they comfort me.
Thou givest me answers in moments of blankness;
Thou anointest my head with understanding.
My test paper runneth over with questions I recognize.
Surely passing grades and flying colors shall follow me.
All the days of my examination,
And I shall not have to dwell in this university forever,
Feb 22, 2010
Feb 14, 2010
CNY wish
Feb 12, 2010
Feb 1, 2010
the E days....
The E days of uni... lol... Engineering fest is goin on... games and stuff.....
my turn soon 4 TELUR parachute... din practice also hahahaha...
DEn is election coming soon 4 uni....
den next is EXAMS!!! and haven prepared 4 it.... gotta buck up..
CNY COUNTDOWN IS LAST !!! it's comin it's comin =)
Jan 28, 2010
Loads of assignments , tutorial and more to come...
When the canvas of life fades, and everyday becomes the black and white...
When colours of frens, the colours of taste, the colours of time dissolve as the world spins....
And everything you experience becomes black and white....
The picture will be a work of junk.... lay in the shadows......
Lay in waste.... As good as trash that can be.....
What can be done to change? What can be done to reverse?
Nothing and no one else can....
My prayer 2nite can only be:
"Oh Lord restore the colour on this canvas of life... reused the once colourful masterpiece...withhold things that is not to be done..... unleash those things to be done..."
Jan 21, 2010
momentum surge...
blasting TD jakes sermons....
awesome!!!! addicted 2 Christ =)
Jan 16, 2010
the day was 16th January
hmph.. nothing much actually... had quite alot of chinese food =D
Reorganize my life again, my stuff and the stuff inside my laptop...
However i realize this... I hav 7 GB of christian songs...
Just from famous artists like planet shakers, chris tomlin, hillsong, delirious? etc...
There are some overlap but still the about 1.4 k of songs....
God has given new breath of music to 1.4 k of songs... Isn't that amazing...
Through the years... If this is not breathtaking then I couldn't think of any more amazing..
Besides the creation of this universe and everything in it...
40 million babies lost to Gods great orphanage,
It’s a modern day genocide and a modern day disgrace
If this is a human right then why aren’t we free?
The only freedom we have is in a man nailed to a tree.
100 million faces, staring at the sky,
Wondering if this HIV will ever pass us by.
The devil stole the rain and hope trickles down the plug,
But still my Chinese take away could pay for someone’s drugs.
Our God reigns, Our God reigns,
Forever your kingdom reigns.
The west has found a gun and it’s loaded with ‘unsure’
Nip and tuck if you have the bucks in a race to find a cure.
Psalm one hundred and thirty nine is the conscience to our selfish crime,
God didn’t screw up when he made you,
He’s a father who loves to parade you.
Our God reigns, Our God reigns,
Forever your kingdom reigns.
Yes he reigns, yes you reign, yes you reign,
For there is only one true God,
But we’ve lost the reins on this world,
Forgive us all, forgive us please,
As we fight for this broken world on our knees
Jan 14, 2010
Melaka, Pahang banning words? lol...
If words are banned, what are we gonna use?
Melaka larang 32 perkataan selain kalimah ‘Allah’
PETALING JAYA, Jan 14 — Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (Maim) menyenaraikan 33 perkataan termasuk kalimah “Allah” dan 15 ungkapan dalam Islam yang tidak boleh digunakan penganut agama lain dalam penerbitan atau percakapan mereka.
Perkataan tersebut ialah firman Allah, ulama, hadis, ibadah, kaabah, kadi, Ilahi, wahyu, mubaligh, syariat, kiblat, haji, mufti, rasul, dan iman.
Selain itu ialah dakwah, solat, khalifah, wali, fatwa, imam, nabi, sheikh, akhirat, azan, al-Quran, al-Sunnah, hauliak, karamah, shahadah, masjid dan Baitullah.
Setiausaha Maim, Idrus Md. Jani berkata, perkara itu terkandung dalam Enakmen Kawalan dan Sekatan Pengembangan Agama Bukan Islam 1988 yang diwartakan di negeri ini.
Bagi ungkapan pula ialah Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Lailahaillallah, Walillahilhamd, Allahu Akbar, insya-Allah, Astaghfirullah Azim, Tabaraka Allah, masya-Allah, Lahaula Walaquata Illabillahil Azim, Assalamualaikum, Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi dan Auzubillah.
“Mengikut Seksyen 9(1) enakmen itu, menjadi kesalahan bagi sesiapa terlibat dalam tulisan yang diterbitkan atau dalam apa-apa ucapan atau pernyataan terbuka ditujukan kepada suatu perhimpunan orang yang dirancang.
“Pada masa ucapan atau pernyataan itu dibuat, dia tahu atau patut tahu akan diterbit atau disiarkan menggunakan mana-mana perkataan yang disenaraikan,” kata beliau dipetik Utusan Malaysia.
Di bawah Seksyen 9(2), menjadi kesalahan seseorang bukan Islam menggunakan mana-mana ungkapan yang disenaraikan kecuali sebagai petikan atau rujukan.
“Seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan mengikut sub-Seksyen (1) atau (2) boleh dikenakan denda RM1,000,” ujarnya.
Melaka merupakan antara negeri yang mengguna pakai peruntukan itu.
Awal minggu ini, Pahang mengumumkan ia tidak membenarkan penggunaan 25 perkataan dan 10 ungkapan bersumberkan Islam, termasuk kalimah Allah dalam sebarang terbitan dan ucapan yang dikaitkan dengan agama lain.
Ia dikuatkuaskaan di bawah Enakmen Kawalan dan Sekatan Pengembangan Agama-Agama Bukan Islam 1989 yang diwartakan kerajaan Pahang pada 1990.
Perkataan lain yang tidak boleh diguna dan dikaitkan itu ialah firman Allah, ulama, hadis, ibadat, Kaabah, kadi, Ilahi, wahyu, mubaligh, syariah, kiblat, haji, mufti, rasul, iman, dakwah, injil, solat, khalifah, wali, fatwa, khutbah, nabi dan tabligh.
Ungkapan seperti Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Lailahaillallah, Walillahilhamd, Allahu Akbar, Insya-Allah, Astagfirullahal Azim, Tabaraka Allah, Masya-Allah, Lahaula Walaquwata IIlabillahialiyil Azim juga tidak boleh digunakan orang bukan Islam.
Mengikut seksyen 9 (1) enakmen itu, adalah menjadi kesalahan bagi sesiapa jika ia menghasilkan sesuatu tulisan atau ucapan dengan menggunakan perkataan itu atau variasinya untuk menyatakan fakta kepercayaan, idea, konsep, perbuatan dan aktiviti dengan mana-mana agama bukan Islam.
Bagi Seksyen 9(2) enakmen yang sama pula, adalah menjadi kesalahan bagi bukan Islam menggunakan perkataan dan ungkapan berkenaan kecuali sebagai petikan atau rujukan.
Timbalan Yang Dipertua Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang (Maip), Datuk Seri Wan Abdul Wahid Wan Hassan menjelaskan mereka boleh dikenakan denda tidak lebih daripada RM5,000 atau penjara tidak lebih dua tahun atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit kesalahan.
“Enakmen ini adalah undang-undang yang merangkumi semua pihak, termasuk bukan Islam dan mereka yang melakukan kesalahan akan ditahan mengikut Kanun Prosedur Jenayah.
“Ia juga memperuntukkan kuasa kepada pihak polis untuk menjalankan penguatkuasaan dan menangkap tanpa waran mereka yang disyaki melakukan kesalahan,” katanya dipetik Berita Harian awal minggu ini.
Wan Abdul Wahid meminta semua pihak di negeri ini menghormati dan mematuhi enakmen berkenaan yang sudah wujud sejak 20 tahun lalu.
“Jika semua pihak mematuhi enakmen ini maka tidak akan berlaku masalah berbangkit sehingga mencetuskan kemarahan umat Islam,” katanya.
Kesalahan lain mengikut enakmen itu termasuk menghantar atau menyerahkan terbitan mengenai apa-apa agama bukan Islam kepada seorang Islam, mendedahkan seorang Islam kepada pengaruh suatu agama bukan Islam dan mendekati seorang Islam untuk mendedahkannya kepada ucapan atau pertunjukan mengenai perkara berkaitan dengan suatu agama bukan Islam.
Let me point out this way....
Words are not to be used den how are we non muslim gonna study and graduate?
Some subjects involve this kindda words... lol...
Subjects like:
Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) - for uni students
Bahasa Melayu
TITAS is a compulsory subject for us to grad...
BM and d rest does involve this all the words inside coz v r studyin their literature and history...
mubaligh - missionary
injil - bible
nabi - prophet
These are the common words we get in the Kamus ...
and it is inside sejarah and TITAS...if it gets censored and not to be used by non-muslim, wad are v gonna answer in our test paper?
shud v leave the word blank and fail? lol.....
means our textbooks shud hav censorship? lol..
Sejarah books in future will be like dis..
"blank di blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank kerana blank blank blank blank mendapat blank blank blank blank untuk blank blank blank blank"....
try scoring even 1 mark 4 dat sentence lol....
more hilarousity:
Jan 7, 2010
reminiscing 2009
It started wid a countdown new year on 1.1.2009..
Breakthrus after breakthrus happened thru out the year i just dunno where to start..
Just running thru highlights..
March ISCF camp - UNVEILED... was more than expectation.... As a committee, we hav to look into alot of stuff from the tiniest to the biggest.... but God provided all the way...
Camp was no ordinary 1....
Admission for university in June..
My biggest challenge ever.... in 2009....
I came here, knowing nothing and no one... Spiritually it was a desert...
I started complain, started grumbling... like the Israelites did in Exodus...
Kelvin, my mentor, sat back and did nothing at all... (I understood later why)
I long and hunger for more yet there are nothing... no rain, not even a single drop...
Exams and stuff came i gave wadeva i could....
Than came the break.... sem break...
December - Musical...
It was wonderful.... better feedback than i expected... very professional...
INFUSE camp -Resonate
I got my answer... God open up heaven and pour more than rain.... His Spirit...
Stepped out of my unbelief and went into supernatural faith....
Kelvin did right by not doing anything coz it's written
"It's not by might nor power but by my Spirit" says the Lord - Zechariah 4v6
Than came back to uni wid a brand new purpose, unwaverable faith....
Sem 2... and 2010... fight on... resonating God.......
"I called, You answer..... and You came to my rescue...."
Jan 5, 2010
DUMMIES: Clothes washing (SHOTGUNNED)
RULE 2: if u hav a washing machine, USE IT instead..
1) soak ur clothes in a bit of soap water b4 wash...
2) if u got no time, just go to step 3
3) get a pail, put ur clothes in, fill da pail wid water, put some soap powder or any cleaning product that u trust into the pail..
4) push the clothes around inside the pail and twist ur clothes to drain it...
5) put in the pail, fill it wid water and put softener... if u dun 1... repeat step 3 widout soap powder or any cleaning product... den jump to step 7...
6) drain and rinse wid water...
7) hang ur clothes....
8) if all else fail, get it 2 a dobi nearby =)
*disclaimer - all is proven true if but if sumthin went wrong, contact ur mum and if u fail, u r just NOOB!!!